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Set an eBay return policy
Learn how to set your return policy to gain a competitive advantage. A generous return policy gives you a boost in search visibility and helps you win buyers.
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Return policies are required
All listings on eBay must specify an eBay return policy—even if the policy is no returns accepted. Remember, only a small percentage of purchases get returned and most sellers find that offering a generous policy more than pays for itself in increased sales. Under eBay Buyer Protection, you may be required to accept a return if the item is significantly different from what was described in the listing, regardless of your return policy.
Get a boost in Best Match
eBay rewards sellers who have better return policies for buyers. When you offer a return policy that’s 14 or more days and have a standard or above performance rating, you’ll get a boost in Best Match, eBay’s default search method. And accepting returns is easier than ever with the managed returns process, which is a simple, automated way for you to streamline your returns.
Keys to an effective eBay return policy
Address each of these topics in your return policy. Make sure the policy is easy for your buyers to understand.
  • Time limits: To attract the most buyers, consider offering 30 days or longer.
  • Refund type: “Money back” is the most common type. Sellers can also offer “Money back or exchange” if you have the same items in multiple sizes or colors, or a suitable replacement.
  • Return shipping charges: Clearly state who pays for return shipping—you or the buyer.
  • Restocking fee: Restocking fees vary. “No restocking fee” is ideal for buyers, but 15% is not uncommon.
  • Item condition: Clearly state the returned item’s required condition. For example, "unopened box" or "opened box with all original materials.”
  • International sales: If you sell to buyers outside of the U.S., describe any international limitations to your eBay return policy.
Reducing returns
The best approach to returns is to avoid them altogether. Understand how to create an effective listing and you’ll be well on your way to simple, straightforward sales. If things do get complicated, make sure you understand the Seller Protection policy. It’s how we make sure sellers are safe on eBay.
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Fair case resolution
Learn how fast and fair handling of disputes provides protection for both buyers and sellers.
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A team with one job: protecting you
Learn how the eBay Seller Protection team works to help keep you protected so you can focus on selling.
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*Optional feature fees and final value fees apply. Excludes some listing styles and categories. See details.