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Choosing the best
listing format
Listing format is key to successful selling on eBay. Selecting the best format, auction-style or fixed price, will help you make more money selling online.
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It’s FREE* and easy to list.
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With auction-style listings, you receive bids on your item and sell to the highest bidder. You can also include a Buy It Now price to attract buyers who don’t want to wait - or you can include a Reserve Price for a fee. Auction-style listings can be one, three, five, seven, or ten days. For new sellers, we recommend trying an auction-style listing format. You can get up to 100 free auction-style listings in some categories, and up to 50 free auction-style listings in other categories (see details), and you won’t pay any fees until your item sells.
Fixed price
With fixed price listings, you list your item at a set price so that buyers can purchase it right away. Fixed price listings can last up to 30 days or can even be listed as “Good ‘Til Canceled.” Choose fixed price when:
  • You have multiple items that you can group into one listing
  • You know the value of your item or know the exact price you need to get for it
  • You have a lot of inventory
  • You want your items to be available to buyers for more than 10 days
You can include the Best Offer option and choose to accept the highest offer. If you know your item’s value or have many of the same items, fixed price may be a good option.
Listing upgrades
Whichever listing format you select, you always have the option of adding additional features to your listing. Listing upgrade fees are charged at the time of listing and are nonrefundable. Here is a list of featured upgrades:
Bold title: Set your listing apart in search results by displaying your title in bold.
Gallery Plus: Attract buyers with a larger version of your listing photo in search results
 with Gallery Plus.
Subtitle: Add more descriptive and enticing information below the main title. 
Listing Designer: Enhance your listing with attractive themes.
Value Pack: Value Pack gives you essential listing upgrades including Gallery Plus, Subtitle, and Listing Designer for less than if you paid for each individually.
Scheduling: Starting your listing at a specific time can be more convenient for you, and it can expose your listing to more buyers.
International site visibility: Attract more buyers from other countries by showing your item in search results on other eBay websites.
Multi-category listing: Reach more shoppers and generate more interest in your item by listing in two or more appropriate categories.
Since most listing upgrades are flat fees, it's a good idea to compare the fee to the value of your item. For example, you might promote your item differently if you were listing a modern edition of the book The Wizard of Oz for $15 than if you were listing a first edition for $1,500.
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Quick Tip
Sundays and Mondays are the best days to end an auction. More people are shopping online. And more people mean more sales.
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*Optional feature fees and final value fees apply. Excludes some listing styles and categories. See details.