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Attract more buyers
Free shipping and fast delivery are often the final consideration for buyers when deciding to purchase. Make sure your listings stand out with these easy tips.
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Convert to Fast ‘N Free and increase sales up to 11%*
eBay Fast 'N Free helps drive sales by giving buyers a more accurate estimated delivery date and reinforcing the value of your great service. In fact, listings with the Fast 'N Free logo have shown up to an 11% increase in sales. So take the steps now to make sure the Fast 'N Free logo appears on as many of your listings as possible.
Offer shipping discounts to boost your order size
When buyers see you offer free shipping on orders of a certain size or price, they’re more likely to add items to their cart—and that’s great news for you! Give your sales an added boost by setting your Combined Payments and Shipping Discounts preferences in My eBay, then be sure to apply them every time you list.
Keep customers happy with 1-day/same-day handling
Strive to ship quickly. It’s not just excellent customer service and a great way to win new sales—it’s a cornerstone of protection for you as a seller. Every time you offer 1-day or shorter handling and tracking data shows your shipment arrived in four business days or less, you'll earn an automatic 5-star rating for ship time.
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Print up to 50 USPS shipping labels at once
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Follow shipping best practices to boost sales and ratings—and lower your costs
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*Percentage calculated is based on sales of listings that converted to Fast ‘N Free. Individual seller results may vary. Percentage increase in sales depends on, among other things, item price, inventory, shipping cost, shipping speed offered, and historical performance of seller. Calculation assumes that sellers don’t increase the item price while making these changes.